Looking after you tattoo is your job. Everyone heals differently, if you have been tattooed before and have a preferred method of healing that’s your call. Below is how I think, after a few years of intrigue, research and conversations, you should heal your tattoo. There’s lots of speculation and conflicting theories. The below has been influenced and guided by those who use science/study based claims to their arguments. It’s an interesting topic and always happy to hear other people’s opinion.

First 3-5 days

Once your new tattoo is complete we will apply a derm-shield. This derm-shield acts as a safe and hygienic barrier between your new tattoo and the world around you. Originally designed as a burn bandage, used by doctors. It provides the safest and cleanest environment for your tattoo to start it’s healing, and reduces the chance of scabbing and infection significantly. When the steps below have been followed correctly I get great healed results.

The derm-shield I applied should be removed between 3 and 5 days after the procedure, I will have told you a time frame best for your art on the day . There is usually plasma and ink build up in the derm-shield, this is great and normal, it provides a fantastic environment for healing. I know it can look off-putting, but it’s good for healing and the liquid will usually reabsorb into your skin. If the derm-shield comes off on its own or if it starts to leak please remove it right away, following the instructions below.

If the skin surrounding the tattoo is overly red, looks infected or is very sore to the touch, remove the derm-shield right away, following the steps below and see your doctor asap; this rarely happens and would probably be due to an allergic reactions to the adhesive used in the dermshield.

Removing your derm-shield

Prior to removing the derm-shield, ensure that the sink, your hands and the surrounding area are clean, sanitary and free of debris. Have ready: Clean paper towel, unscented plain soap and tattoo aftercare balm. Next peel an edge of the derm-shield and slowly peel it back using warm soapy water to encourage it to come off smoothly. It is vital that you ensure your hands and the area surrounding the tattoo are clean.

Once it is off completely, discard it and clean your tattoo thoroughly; making sure to rinse the soap off with clean water until your skin and the tattoo are completely free of suds. Now pat dry the tattoo and surrounding area with your paper towel, don’t not scrub or use anything other than clean paper towel.

If you’re still unsure on this procedure you can google “Saniderm removal”, there are plenty of videos and webpages illustrating how it’s done, safely and correctly.

If it has come off before the suggested removal date, please follow the ‘Healing without a derm-shield’ instructions below.

Post derm-shield

Depending on your tattoo and your body’s healing process it may seem almost healed at this point. However, it will need more care and attention to heal as well as possible. For the next 2-4 weeks please keep the tattoo clean and well moisturized.

Please keep the tattoo out of direct sun light for as long as you can, I personally try to keep my tattoos out of the sun for a month or two. I know that seems excessive and your tattoo may seem healed, however, what you’re seeing is only the surface. A recent study showed that a fully tattooed area of skin can take up to 6 months to heal every layer of skin. This is especially important as while the dermis (the layer of skin which is waterproof, UV resistant and holds the ink in place) is still healing. Damaging UV rays can get through to the tattoo and decrease it’s clarity and vibrancy. That means if you want the best results keep it covered/out of direct sun for as long as possible. I know you want to show your new tattoo off, but patience at this stage will pay off later. Please do not swim or use hot tubs until the surface is visbibly healed (no flakey skin or raised bits). When you do finally expose the tattoo to sunlight I highly recommend that you use a high SPF mineral-based sunscreen. These have been shown to stop UVA & UVB getting through to the dermis and will keep your tattoo clear and vibrant for as long as possible.

Healing without a derm-shield

If for any of the possible reasons stated above your derm-shield has come off early please follow these instructions:

Clean the tattoo thoroughly with unscented soap making sure to rinse the suds off completely. Pat-dry the tattoo with clean paper towel and then apply a THIN layer of a tattoo after care ointment to the tattoo. This acts as a less permanent derm-shield. You will repeat this 3 times a day for 5 days after the procedure, if the tattoo touches anything during this period, make sure to clean it and reapply the ointment as per above. After these 5 days please follow the post-derm-shield instructions above. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out, I’m happy to help! We would also LOVE it if you sent me some healed photos after 4-6 months. Thank you!